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We lead ambitious people with limited savings to high-ranked universities abroad
Apply for universities in the UK, USA, Canada or Europe with us and join our community of 400+ students who are already abroad
We lead ambitious people
with limited savings
to high-ranked universities abroad

Apply for universities in the UK, USA, Canada or Europe with us

and join our community of 400+ students who are already abroad
A team of experts in
university application processes
We guarantee your enrolment at
1 to 10 prestigious universities providing you with…

A team of experts in

university application processes

We guarantee your enrolment at

1 to 10 prestigious universities

providing you with…

Special opportunity that we offer
— Help in Winning Scholarships
to study at a significant discount (25-80%) or even for free
getting money from universities, companies and governments
When do you wish to start your studies abroad?

free guidance with 12 opportunities to afford your studies abroad
Your first step FREE guidance
with 12 opportunities to afford your studies abroad

THE RESULT — 12 solutions on the key barriers in application, understanding of your options, opportunities and the first steps
Fulfill the form and get a guidance within a moment
I agree with my data processing
THE RESULT — 12 solutions on the key barriers in application, understanding of your options, opportunities and the first steps

Fulfill the form and get a guidance within a moment
I agree with my data processing

You can apply for ANY degree level with us

Bachelor's / Master's / PHD

Options to apply with the expert from our team

Working on your application from scratch

—> till the moment of getting final results from universities

Options to apply with the expert from our team
Working on your application from scratch
—> till the moment of getting final results from universities
You can apply to all desirable countries choosing these packages: the UK, European countries (for studying in English)
You can apply to all desirable countries choosing these packages:
the UK, European countries (for studying in English)


to choose a service bellow

Full Support

applying for 2024

Option 1 — « Proactive »
— the expert do all the preparation work but you send application forms to unis by yourself


Option 2 — «Delegator»
— the expert apply it all instead of you



  • The search and selection of university programs regarding personal client's goals, needs, and abilities (+ scholarships if desired)

  • Package of documents preparation (Letter of motivation, essays, CVs, recommendations, transcripts, and others)

  • Personal brand building — creation of a strong portfolio of achievements

  • Personal consultations with your expert during the whole application process

  • Controlling deadlines and time-management

  • Preparation for the interviews if needed (while applying for scholarships)

  • Being in touch constantly during the whole application process — 5 days a week, 9 hours a day

Choose an expert to apply with
Choose an expert to apply with
You can go through every single step of the application process with us separately
Enhance your chances to get an offer from a high-ranked university by improving your documents and new solutions

Come through every single step of the application process with us separately

Enhance your chances to get an offer from a high-ranked university by improving your documents

Consultation with
an expert
£62 / ≤ up to 1h long
  • During the consultation we will:

  • Discuss your opportunities, advantages, and downside risks

  • Develop your personal application plan

  • Get solutions for actual issues

  • Answer all your questions about universities, programs, country choice, documents, scholarships, and discounts
Consultation with
an expert
£62 / ≤ 1 hour long
  • During the consultation we will:

  • Discuss your opportunities, advantages, and downside risks

  • Develop your personal application plan

  • Get solutions for actual issues

  • Answer all your questions about universities, programs, country choice, documents, scholarships, and discounts
Research of universities and scholarships
£207 applying for 1 country / £243 applying for several countries
  • The price for 10 personalized programs and scholarships that will fit your goals and background the most

  • Programs and scholarships/grants that match your:
  • Application goals
  • Research and working interests
  • Financial capacities
  • Background and portfolio
  • Desirable living conditions

  • Your result:
  • The list of programs and scholarships with detailed specifics of application (deadlines, descriptions, dates, requirements)
Preparation of application documents
£111 / the price for 1 document
  • That will make you stand out from other candidates in the eyes of Admissions Committee Members

  • Documents you can order:
  • The letter of motivation
  • Student CV
  • Essays
  • Recommendations (all types required)

  • Your result:
  • Each document is being prepared for each selected program and scholarship separately regarding your individual profile and each program's requirements.
Consultation with
an expert
£62 / ≤ 1 hour long
  • During the consultation we will:

  • Discuss your opportunities, advantages, and downside risks

  • Develop your personal application plan

  • Get solutions for actual issues

  • Answer all your questions about universities, programs, country choice, documents, scholarships, and discounts
Preparation of application documents
£120 / the price for 1 document
  • That will make you stand out from other candidates in the eyes of Admissions Committee Members

  • Documents you can order:
  • The letter of motivation
  • Student CV
  • Essays
  • Recommendations (all types required)

  • Your result:
  • Each document is being prepared for each selected program and scholarship separately regarding your individual profile and each program's requirements.
Editing of application documents
£57 /the price for 1 document edit
  • To make them unique and more fitting Admissions Committee Members' expectations and requirements

  • Documents you can order:
  • The letter of motivation
  • Student CV
  • Essays
  • Recommendations (all types required)

  • Your result:
  • Enhancing your chances to get an offer from the desirable university by strengthening your personal growth story and removing losing parts in your document.
Research of universities and scholarships
£207 applying for 1 country / £243 applying for several countries
  • The price for 10 personalized programs and scholarships that will fit your goals and background the most

  • Programs and scholarships/grants that match your:
  • Application goals
  • Research and working interests
  • Financial capacities
  • Background and portfolio
  • Desirable living conditions

  • Your result:
  • The list of programs and scholarships with detailed specifics of application (deadlines, descriptions, dates, requirements)
Preparation of application documents
£120 / the price for 1 document
  • That will make you stand out from other candidates in the eyes of Admissions Committee Members

  • Documents you can order:
  • The letter of motivation
  • Student CV
  • Essays
  • Recommendations (all types required)

  • Your result:
  • Each document is being prepared for each selected program and scholarship separately regarding your individual profile and each program's requirements.
Editing of application documents
£57 /the price for 1 document edit
  • To make them unique and more fitting Admissions Committee Members' expectations and requirements

  • Documents you can order:
  • The letter of motivation
  • Student CV
  • Essays
  • Recommendations (all types required)

  • Your result:
  • Enhancing your chances to get an offer from the desirable university by strengthening your personal growth story and removing losing parts in your document.
What you can achieve with us
— Our Brightest Admission Cases

What you can achieve with us

— Our Brightest Admission Cases

  • Darya Boronovskaya
    A postgraduate student on Artificial Intelligence program at Queen Mary University, London
    "In a team, we won the DeepMind scholarship from McKinsey on £30.000 to cover the costs of my education + some living expenses in London"
Our client's offers

Our client's offers

Make your choice — our experts
Choose the expert from "Jane, Help" team regarding the countries of her/his specialisation

Make your choice — our experts

Choose the expert from "Jane, Help" team regarding the countries of her/his specialisation

  • JANE
    • Founder of "Jane, Help!" and the main expert in application process
    — More than 100 of Jane's students study at US, EU, and UK universities (84% of clients got scholarships)

    • Roehampton University Alumni (London, UK) + Former Admissions Committee Member at British universities

    • Has the experience of studying in the USA, Spain, and England
    — The University of Colombia, USA; Business School in Barcelona, Spain

    • Expert in scholarships that allow you to study for free
    — Got 9 scholarships from European, American, and British universities

    • Current student at the University of Denver, USA
    — The University of Denver is one of the world's top schools.

    • Got a full scholarship at the University of Denver to cover all education costs (50000$ a year)

    • Norair is specialised in Bachelor's and Master's degrees programs, got offers from 10 high-ranked universities in the USA and UK + won scholarships in each of them
    — John Hopkins University, USA;
    UCL London, etc.
  • JANE
    • Founder of "Jane, Help!" and the main expert in application process
    — More than 100 of Jane's students study at US, EU, and UK universities (84% of clients got scholarships)

    • Roehampton University Alumni (London, UK) + Former Admissions Committee Member at British universities

    • Has the experience of studying in the USA, Spain, and England
    — The University of Colombia, USA; Business School in Barcelona, Spain

    • Expert in scholarships that allow you to study for free
    — Got 9 scholarships from European, American, and British universities

    • Current student at the University of Denver, USA
    — The University of Denver is one of the world's top schools.

    • Got a full scholarship at the University of Denver to cover all education costs (50000$ a year)

    • Norair is specialised in Bachelor's and Master's degrees programs, got offers from 10 high-ranked universities in the USA and UK + won scholarships in each of them
    — John Hopkins University, USA;
    UCL, London, etc.
  • ANNA
    • Experienced mentor in applications to Canadian universities
    — During the past 4 years more than 40 students under Anna's supervision got offers from high-ranked universities in Canada

    • Current student at University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
    — Got an offer from the University of Toronto in Canada as well

    • Anna helps students to get scholarships that partially or even fully cover tuition fees
  • ALEX
    • Our professional English Tutor; Middlesex University graduate (London)
    — 8 years of teaching experience

    • Native British English speaker
    — Speaks both Russian and English fluently

    • The expert in IELTS and TOEFL exams preparation, modern English, raising your level of the language proficiency
    — Works both in groups and individually
  • ANNA
    • Experienced mentor in applications to Canadian universities
    — During the past 4 years more than 40 students under Anna's supervision got offers from high-ranked universities in Canada

    • Current student at University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)
    — Got an offer from the University of Toronto in Canada as well

    • Anna helps students to get scholarships that partially or even fully cover tuition fees
  • ALEX
    • Our professional English Tutor; Middlesex University graduate (London)
    — 8 years of teaching experience

    • Native British English speaker
    — Speaks both Russian and English fluently

    • The expert in IELTS and TOEFL exams preparation, modern English, raising your level of the language proficiency
    — Works both in groups and individually
Personal consultation
with Jane or another experienced mentor

Personal consultation

with Jane or another expert

The price of 1 hour-long consultation — £62
Fulfil the form below

And we'll contact you within 24 hours to set up a date and time for your personal consultation and connect you with the mentor
Where do you want us to contact you?
By proceeding further, I agree on personal data processing
Fulfil the form below

And we'll contact you within 24 hours to set up a date and time for your personal consultation and connect you with the mentor
Where do you want us to contact you?
By proceeding further, I agree on personal data processing
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